Document IIF

Performance d'un réfrigérateur magnétique rotatif à grande échelle.

The performance of a large-scale rotary magnetic refrigerator.

Numéro : sect. 3

Auteurs : JACOBS S., AURINGER J., BOEDER A., et al.


Astronautics Technology Center has completed construction of a new, large-scale rotary magnetic refrigerator, which was designed to provide 2 kW of cooling power over a temperature span of 12°C with coefficient of performance (COP) > 2. The system uses a NdFeB magnet assembly with a peak field of 1.44 T which rotates over twelve fixed beds arranged circumferentially. Each bed was packed with six layers of LaFeSiH of different Curie temperatures, chosen to optimize system performance over the desired span. In this paper, the authors report on the performance of this system at flow rates of 12.5 and 15.5 lit/min. At the larger flow rate, the system produced 2049 W of cooling power at zero span and peak performance of 1704 W over a span of 11.1 C with COP = 2.24. To their knowledge, this represents the largest cooling power yet observed for a room-temperature, permanent magnet system. They show that the measured performance is in excellent agreement with theoretical prediction.

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Pages : 421-428


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  • Titre original : The performance of a large-scale rotary magnetic refrigerator.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30005589
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 5th International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature (Thermag V). Proceedings: Grenoble, France, September 17-20, 2012.
  • Date d'édition : 17/09/2012


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