Document IIF
Principe et performance du système biétagé de traitement d'air extérieur à déshydratant liquide fonctionnant grâce à une pompe à chaleur.
System principle and performance of two-stage liquid desiccant outdoor air processor driven by a heat pump.
This paper presents the idea, the structure and the operation mode of a new type two-stage liquid desiccant outdoor air processor, and gives a system analysis on its properties in summer, winter and the transition seasons. The results show that the COP of the processor is about 6-8, which is increased by 30% comparing with the single-stage one.
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Pages : ICR07-E1-666
Prix public
20 €
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* meilleur tarif applicable selon le type d'adhésion (voir le détail des avantages des adhésions individuelles et collectives)
- Titre original : System principle and performance of two-stage liquid desiccant outdoor air processor driven by a heat pump.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2008-0783
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Date d'édition : 21/08/2007
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- Formats : PDF
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