Document IIF
Propriétés de transport électronique du NbTi dans les fils supraconducteurs à matrice de cuivre.
Electronic transport properties of NBTI in copper matrix superconducting wires.
Numéro : pap. 11
Auteurs : NICULESCU A. E., PICIOREA I., RIZOIU A., et al.
This work is presenting the study of signal-to-noise assessment, the electronic transport properties of NbTi wires extruded in a Cu matrix with 0.4mm in diameter and volume ratios of NbTi:Cu = 1.35:1. Normalstate magnetoresistance, I-V characteristics and superconducting state critical currents are thoroughly investigated. Additionally, we investigated the critical current density as a function of temperature and field using the expressions for the critical temperature, critical magnetic field and Pinning force in NbTi. The measurements undertaken in this research cover a range of the magnetic field between 0T to 7T at temperatures ranging from
1.9K to 10K. In order to measure the electrical resistance down to cryogenic temperature (2K) it has been used the Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS). The measurements have been done in various magnetic fields, up to 7T. The values of the measured resistance were the bases of the calculation and obtaining data for electrical resistivity, critical current density (Jc) and pinning force (Fp).
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Pages : 9
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- Titre original : Electronic transport properties of NBTI in copper matrix superconducting wires.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30018338
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 1st IIR International Conference of Cryogenics and Refrigeration Technology (ICCRT 2016). Proceedings: Bucharest, Romania, June 22-25, 2016.
- Date d'édition : 22/06/2016
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/IIR.ICCRT.2016.0011
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