Document IIF
Recherche expérimentale sur la performance du transfert de chaleur de l’absorption de bulles de R124-DMAC à l'intérieur d’un absorbeur à tube vertical visuel.
Experimental research on heat transfer performance of R124-DMAC bubble absorption in a visual vertical tube absorber.
Experimental studies on heat transfer performance for a visual vertical tubular bubble absorber was done with using R124 (2-chloro-l,l,l,2,-tetrafluoroethane)-DMAC (N', N'- dimethylacetamide) as working fluid. The objective of this study was to obtain key parameters that affected on absorber thermal load and heat transfer coefficient in R124-DMAC bubble absorption process, such as vapor and solution flow rates, solution inlet temperatures and nozzle orifice diameters. The results showed that heat transfer coefficients increased with increase of vapor and solution flow rates, and decreased with increase of solution inlet temperatures and the nozzle orifice diameter. In addition, solution inlet temperatures, vapor flow rates and nozzle orifice diameter influenced greatly on the heat transfer performance, while solution flow rates influenced less on that. Finally, a correlation of Nusselt (Nu) number to calculate heat transfer coefficient for R124-DMAC mixture in a visual vertical tubular bubble absorber was provided by the method of multiple linear regressions.
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Pages : 8
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- Titre original : Experimental research on heat transfer performance of R124-DMAC bubble absorption in a visual vertical tube absorber.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30021497
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 5th IIR Conference on Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigerants.
- Date d'édition : 23/04/2017
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.tptpr.2017.0060
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Voir le compte rendu de la conférence
Thèmes :
Transfert de chaleur;
Mélanges - Mots-clés : Fluide actif; Bulle; Tube vertical; Transfert de chaleur; Absorption; R124; Performance; Mélange; Experimentation; Charge thermique
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