Simulation d'un système de microcogénération avec un moteur solaire Stirling hybride.

Simulace mikrokogeneracní jednotky s hybridním Stirlingovým solárním motorem.

Auteurs : NOSEK S.

Type d'article : Article


The new concept of a micro cogeneration unit with a hybrid Stirling solar motor (SSM) is presented together with its mathematical model created in the MATLAB environment. The result analysis of the mathematical model computer simulation in the so-called solar operation mode (production of electric energy and heat from the direct solar radiation, only), situated in Prague, determined a significant volume of electric and heat energy generated annually. Nevertheless, whether electric energy or heat energy, it was not in a time correlation with requirement. In this article, the author is engaged in so-called hybrid mode of operation, in which the output of the gas burner, integrated in the SSM collector, is dependent upon the requirement of the electric energy and heat energy in a building (a single family house) and intensity of the direct solar radiation. The integration of the micro cogeneration unit with hybrid SSM in the MATLAB environment was utilized for the simulation in the TRNSYS environment. The results of simulation have pointed out the possibility of optimization of micro cogeneration unit, and thus to increase the total effectiveness of cogeneration with respect to the maximum utilization of the generated exhaust heat.

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Pages : pp. 6-11


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  • Titre original : Simulace mikrokogeneracní jednotky s hybridním Stirlingovým solárním motorem.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2010-1676
  • Langues : Tchèque
  • Source : Vytápení Vetrání Instalace - vol. 19 - n. 1
  • Date d'édition : 2010


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