Document IIF

Simulation d'un moteur thermomagnétique utilisant un alliage de NiFe et de Gd.

Simulation of a thermomagnetic motor using NiFe alloy and Gd.

Numéro : sect. 3

Auteurs : ALVES C. S., FOLEISS G. L., VIEIRA G. T. F., et al.


The ever increasing demand for energy has pushed humanity to use different energy sources, in order to achieve sustainability. In this sense, the authors have focused to design a rotary motor using solar power thru the Curie effect. This paper describes and demonstrates the modeling and simulation of a Curie thermomagnetic motor, where one of the materials used for the armature is magnetocaloric, and the external energy source is solar. In addition to it, another objective is to analyze the influence of some physicals factors inherent in the process of energy conversion, also the details involved with magnetic circuit and the heat transfer. It could be verified that the gadolinium offers about one order of magnitude more efficiency when compared to NiFe alloy, but the actual value is still too small when compared to other available solar motors to be commercially implementable.

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Pages : 501-508


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  • Titre original : Simulation of a thermomagnetic motor using NiFe alloy and Gd.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30005600
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 5th International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature (Thermag V). Proceedings: Grenoble, France, September 17-20, 2012.
  • Date d'édition : 17/09/2012


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