Document IIF
Simulation de la performance de refroidisseurs à adsorption de gel de silice-eau à lits multiples.
Performance simulation of multi-bed silica gel-water adsorption chillers.
Auteurs : WANG X., HE Z., CHUA H. T.
Type d'article : Article, Article de la RIF
Adsorption chiller technology is one of effective means to convert waste thermal energy into cooling, which substantially improves energy efficiency and lowers environmental pollution. This article develops an improved lumped-parameter model for multi-bed silica gel-water adsorption chillers. It is validated by experimental results stemming from a four-bed silica gel-water adsorption chiller at various operating conditions. It is found that the performance predictions from this model compare favourably with experimental results. At all tested conditions and over a wide range of cycle times, the cooling capacity and COP can be predicted to within 10% and 12%, respectively.
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Format PDF
Pages : 32-41
Prix public
20 €
Prix membre*
* meilleur tarif applicable selon le type d'adhésion (voir le détail des avantages des adhésions individuelles et collectives)
- Titre original : Performance simulation of multi-bed silica gel-water adsorption chillers.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30013686
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 52
- Date d'édition : 04/2015
Voir d'autres articles du même numéro (16)
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Thèmes :
Refroidisseurs d'eau;
Systèmes à absorption et adsorption - Mots-clés : Gel de silice; Refroidisseur; Adsorption; Simulation; Performance
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