Document IIF

Simulation étendue du régime transitoire d'un réfrigérateur à compression avec analyse modulaire.

Wide range unsteady-state simulation of compression type refrigerator with modular analysis.


The inverter technology has improved the efficiency of the compression type refrigerator greatly. But, under the conditions of intermittent driving without the inverter, the performance of the refrigerator deteriorates greatly. To investigate the method of improving the efficiency, the unsteady-state simulation is very useful. So far unsteady-state simulation has been carried out. But in case of the intermittent driving, it is difficult to analyze the system, because the complex phenomena such as the backward flow occur. Therefore, this study carries out the wide range unsteady-state simulation of the compression type refrigerator with the modular analysis in which the whole system is generally analyzed by only connecting the mathematical module of each element. The validity of the analyzing way is investigated by the experiment using a package type air conditioner. As a result, the validity of the model and analyzing way were confirmed since the simulation results agreed with the experimental ones.

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Pages : 2008-3


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    20 €

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  • Titre original : Wide range unsteady-state simulation of compression type refrigerator with modular analysis.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2009-1489
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : HVAC Energy Efficiency Best Practice Conference
  • Date d'édition : 18/09/2008


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