Vérification des économies d'énergie finales réalisées grâce à la mise en œuvre de mesures en matière d'efficacité énergétique à l'école primaire « Olga Petrov ».
Verification of achieved final energy savings due to implementation of energy efficiency measures in elementary school "Olga Petrov".
This paper presents the method of verification and achieved savings of final energy used for heating and lighting due to energy efficiency improvement in the primary school „Olga Petrov” in Padinska Skela. It includes general data on the school buildings, the heating and lighting system prior to reconstruction and the list of all energy efficiency measures implemented during the reconstruction. The obtained results unequivocally show that the building reconstruction was completely justified, at least from the energy and environmental perspective. Total savings of final energy necessary for the school operation amount to 31%, while reduction of CO2 emission amounts to 41.5%. Also, the reconstruction of the school buildings contributed to the improvement of quality and comfort conditions for pupils and the school staff. One of the examples is a significant improvement of illumination level after reconstruction i.e. raising illumination level to the level prescribed by the law. The results presented in this paper prove that it is possible to significantly improve energy efficiency through reconstruction of old buildings. Nevertheless, it is important to underline that it is not possible to return the investment made into reconstruction within a reasonable period only through energy savings. It is generally recommended to decide about whether or not to approach to reconstruction of a building based on its functionality, safety, and health-related conditions rather than possible reduction of final energy consumption. However, if the decision is made, the works on the reconstruction should include all energy efficiency improvement measures.
Documents disponibles
Format PDF
Pages : 15 slides, 21p.
Format PowerPoint
Pages : 15 slides, 21p.
- Titre original : Verification of achieved final energy savings due to implementation of energy efficiency measures in elementary school "Olga Petrov".
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30023456
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 48th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition.
- Date d'édition : 06/12/2017
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