Augmentation du rendement d’une chaudière et analyse technico-économique de l’installation d’un économiseur sur une chaudière à eau chaude de 116 MW dans la centrale thermique située dans le quartier de Konjarnik à Belgrade.
Povecanje stepena korisnosti kotla i tehno-ekonomska analiza ugradnje utilizatora na vrelovodnom kotlu snage 116 mw na toplani konjarnik.
The Heating Plant Konjarnik is the third largest heating plant in the district heating system of Belgrade with the rated heat capacity of 312 MW. On the hot water boiler of 116 MW, which uses natural gas as a fuel, an additional heat exchanger (utilizator-economiser) of 6 MW nominal power was installed for using flue gas waste heat. The temperature of flue gases at the utilizator inlet is 180-186°C, and 68-70°C at the outlet. The utilizator is water fed from the hot water network, whereby the water temperature at the utilizator inlet is maintained at 65°C, while the design water temperature at the utilizator outlet is 100°C. The paper presents the influence of the utilizator installation on the increase of the boiler efficiency and the results of the techno-economic analysis of the utilizator installation based on the measurements of output heat power in the last two heating seasons. The results indicate that in the observed period, the utilizator used approximately 15000 MWh from flue gas waste heat, achieving a significant improvement of the boiler efficiency, savings in natural gas consumption, and financial benefits for the company.
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Pages : 9 p.
Prix public
20 €
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15 €
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- Titre original : Povecanje stepena korisnosti kotla i tehno-ekonomska analiza ugradnje utilizatora na vrelovodnom kotlu snage 116 mw na toplani konjarnik.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30020196
- Langues : Serbe
- Source : 47th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition.
- Date d'édition : 12/2016
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