Japon: mise à jour de la loi sur la sécurité des gaz à haute pression (en anglais)

Depuis juillet 2017, les révisions de ce règlement accélèrent l'adoption de frigorigènes à faible PRP.

The Japanese High Pressure Gas Safety Act aims to regulate the production, storage, sale, transportation and other matters related to the handling of high pressure gases. Beginning in July 25, 2017, revisions of this regulation will expedite the adoption of alternative refrigerants with lower GWP. Refrigerants such as R448A and R1234zd were classified as “inert”. R744 (CO2) was reclassified from the most restrictive level of Group 3 to the least restrictive level of Group 1. This regulation is a step forward for Japan to meet its commitment to phase-down HFCs, as agreed in the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.

See also http://bit.ly/NL72-JapanRegulation-CP and http://bit.ly/NL72-JapanRegulation-R744