L'Arabie Saoudite sur le point de renvoyer près d'1 milllion de climatiseurs (en anglais)

La répression visant les climatiseurs qui ne respectent pas les nouvelles normes d'efficacité énergétique se poursuit avec plus de 850 000 unités non conformes divulguées aux autorités et 15 000 autres confisquées et détruites.
The crack-down on air conditioners that do not meet new energy efficiency standards continues with over 850,000 non-compliant units disclosed to authorities and a further 15,000 confiscated and destroyed.

These new seizures come on top of the  40,000 non-compliant units confiscated by the Saudi Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) in January.

Under the new regulations introduced at the beginning of this year, all imported and locally manufactured split system and window-type air conditioners being sold in the Kingdom must comply with star ratings of 3-6 based on EERs of 8.5-10 and vendors must display energy efficiency cards stating their efficiencies.
A minimum of four stars applies for split conditioners and three stars for window type conditioners.