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De la recherche aux politiques : orienter l’impact des actions à l’aide de données probantes
Afin de faciliter le transfert de connaissances entre scientifiques et décideurs, le Centre commun de recherche (CCR) de la Commission européenne offre aux chercheurs des conseils...
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2 813 actualités
LNG Worldwide
- Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is found in many parts of the world (e.g. Algeria, Australia, Brunei, Indonesia, Libya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar and Trinidad and Tobago), with the largest reserves in the Middle East. Worldwide, there are...
Superconductor cable innovation
Nexans, a French cable manufacturer, is to make the cable and cryogenic cooling system for the US Department of Energy's (DoE) 30 million USD high-temperature superconductor (HTS) power project in the Long Island Power Authority transmission grid....
Ozone-climate interactions
Ozone affects climate, and climate affects ozone. According to NASA's Observatory Earth, well before the expected stratospheric ozone layer recovery date of 2050, ozone's effects on climate may become the main driver of ozone loss in the...
- India: Air conditioner sales should reach about 1 million units in 2004, up from 800 000 in 2003, representing 442 million USD. The air-conditioning sector is expected to grow at least 25% a year over the next 3 years. Only 1.2% of indian...
Briefs: ARTI's 21st Century Research Program
During the 2004 ASHRAE Winter meeting in Anaheim, results from several research projects initiated under the ARTI (Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Institute) 21st Century Research Program - initiated by ARI (Air-Conditioning and...
Briefs: NO-LOSS Campaign
IRHACE (Institute of Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers of New Zealand) has set up a NO-LOSS campaign designed for technicians, engineers and stakeholders and involving use of comprehensive packs. The knowledge and skills...
Briefs: Giant chiller
A 5-MW 2-stage water-lithium bromide absorption chiller was recently inaugurated at Ulm Technical University in Germany. The Chinese-manufactured chiller is driven by hot wastewater (180°C) from a bio-energy-fired cogeneration plant. This...
Briefs: Olympic Games
Toshiba will be keeping 3000 journalists cool at the Athens Olympic Games: it will supply 200 compact, quiet multi-split inverter units running on R410-A. Toshiba will also be cooling the martial arts pavilions (81 000 m²) thanks to 7 multimodular...
Briefs: Crossword
Test your knowledge of ozone depletion: the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a crossword you can try on line or print out and fill in.
Europe: GHG emissions
Starting in 2005, the European Union is to introduce a greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions trading scheme imposing a cap on carbon-dioxide emissions from 15 000 installations across Europe. In the UK, the scheme will cover 46% of total emissions and...
- The Second Circuit Court in New York finally ruled that the 13 SEER standard as originally promulgated by the Department of Energy in 2001 should go into effect in January 2006 for new central air conditioners and heat pumps. Energy use by new...
The Chinese State Environmental Protection Administration's Foreign Economic Co-operation Office said China will stop production of CFCs by the end of 2010 - as specified by the Montreal Protocol - by dismantling production in 37 CFC-producing...
Growing interest in CO2 technology
Scientists and refrigeration practitioners are increasingly interested in carbon dioxide (CO2) technology. The IIR's Fridoc database contains 198 references to articles mentioning CO2 in their titles and 448 containing the term CO2 in the key...