ActionOzone, numéro spécial 2010. Sortir de l'impasse : Protocole de Montréal, avantages climatiques et économie verte.

AcciónOzono, número especial 2010. Fuera del laberinto el Protocolo de Montreal, beneficios para el clima y la economía verde.

Auteurs : ONU Environnement (ex-PNUE)

Type de monographie : Fascicule de périodique


Extract from the table of contents: the ozone dream... and the climate wake-up call; millennium development goals report 2010; Maldives takes the lead on HCFC phase-out; the wider benefits of the Montreal Protocol: an EU perspective; ozone layer protection and biodiversity: the struggle to save life on Earth; how California is addressing climate change and benefitting; ozone and climate protection: opportunities for greening the economy; resurgence of trade in ozone-depleting substances: HCFCs; refrigerants, naturally: giving HFCs the cold shoulder; domestic refrigeration: prospects for hydrocarbon based air conditioners; ahead of the curve: countries reporting early phase-out of CFCs, halons and CTC. Published once a year, this OzonAction special issue is available online in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish (see also this Bulletin, references 2010-2113 to 2117):


  • Titre original : AcciónOzono, número especial 2010. Fuera del laberinto el Protocolo de Montreal, beneficios para el clima y la economía verde.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2010-2118
  • Langues : Espagnol
  • Sujet : Réglementation, Environnement, Alternatives aux HFC
  • Édition : Unep (united nations environment programme) - France/France
  • Date d'édition : 2010
  • Collection : AcciónOzono, número especial
  • Source : Source : 24 p.; fig.; photogr.; tabl.
