Document IIF
Analyse thermodynamique des cycles frigorifiques innovants entraînés par la chaleur récupérée dans une application de transformation d'un produit alimentaire.
Thermodynamic analysis of alternative refrigeration cycles driven from waste heat in a food processing application.
Auteurs : ANEKE M., AGNEW B., UNDERWOOD C. P., et al.
Type d'article : Article, Article de la RIF
In this paper, the performance comparison of a waste heat driven organic Rankine cycle (ORC) powered vapour compression refrigeration (VCR) system and a waste heat driven NH3–H2O Absorption Refrigeration (AR) system were carried out through modelling and simulation using IPSEpro PSE simulation tool. The simulation result shows that at the given design constraints, the ORC driven VCR system gives a better COP and second law efficiency than the AR system. Also at the breakeven pressure ratio (pressure ratio at which the COP of both system is the same) the ORC driven VCR system also gives a better second law efficiency than the AR system. However, at pressure ratios higher than the breakeven point, performance behaviour seems to contradict the well known notion that systems with low irreversibility should be more efficient that those with high irreversibility. This is a paradox and might be as a result of high number of thermal systems in the AR system. However, the trend in the COP and F obtained for each of the systems conforms to expectation (i.e. increase in COP leads to decrease in F).
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Pages : 1349-1358
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20 €
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- Titre original : Thermodynamic analysis of alternative refrigeration cycles driven from waste heat in a food processing application.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30004384
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 35 - n. 5
- Date d'édition : 08/2012
Voir d'autres articles du même numéro (24)
Voir la source
Thèmes :
Froid et produits périssables : généralités;
Thermodynamique et changement d’état;
Systèmes à compression;
Systèmes à absorption et adsorption;
Autres systèmes à économie / récupération d'énergie - Mots-clés : Rankine; Produit alimentaire; Fabrication; Système à absorption; Système à compression; Simulation; Cycle thermodynamique; COP; Chaleur perdue
Further TTRC vs. TWRC methods research applied ...
- Auteurs : STAICOVICI M. D.
- Date : 21/08/2023
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Proceedings of the 26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Paris , France, August 21-25, 2023.
- Formats : PDF
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- Source : International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 133
- Formats : PDF
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Simulation of a combined Rankine-absorption cycle.
- Auteurs : AGNEW B., ALAKTIWI A., ANDERSON A., et al.
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- Source : Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 24 - n. 10
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- Source : Heat Recov. Syst. CHP - vol. 14 - n. 1
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