Document IIF

Caractéristiques du débit d'air traversant les emballages aérés utilisés pour les fruits et légumes.

Airflow characteristics of vented horticultural packaging.

Auteurs : SMALE N., AMOS N., TANNER D., et al.


Temperature variability within pallets of horticultural products in cartons can lead to variable quality at outturn. Cartons often have vents to improve cooling rates and reduce temperature variability, however they are usually designed for horizontal flow despite airflow direction normally being vertical in transport systems. The vertical and horizontal flow resistances of apple cartons with vent areas between 0.8 and 6.7% were characterized. Even with only small gaps between cartons, most air by-passed the cartons. Solid trays used for fruit positioning caused a significant barrier to vertical flow, despite gaps around their periphery. Pressure loss across vents was greater than losses within a carton for horizontal flow. Entry and exit vents for stacks of cartons were found to behave differently to vents internal to the stack. Flow resistances appear to be additive, but need to be measured for a given product and carton design.

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  • Titre original : Airflow characteristics of vented horticultural packaging.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2004-2497
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
  • Date d'édition : 17/08/2003


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