Document IIF
Conception des ailettes d'un échangeur de chaleur à tubes ailetés pour conditionneur d'air avec des tubes de faible diamètre.
Fin design for fin-and-tube heat exchanger with microgroove small diameter tubes for air conditioner.
Optimal louver fins suitable for 5 mm diameter tubes are designed by Computational Fluid Dynamic-based method in this study. Based on the design result, a set of fin-and-tube heat exchangers with 5 mm diameter tubes are tested to develop correlations to predict the performance of new fin-and-tube heat exchanger. According to the experimental results, it is found that water bridge occurs at the bottom of fin with hydrophilic coating, which did not occur in fin-and-tube heat exchangers with 7 mm or 10.33 mm diameter tubes in previous studies. Based on the data, correlation of j is developed to predict the heat transfer rate of fin-and-tube heat exchanger with 5 mm diameter tubes. The mean deviations of the proposed j correlation are 6.5%.
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Pages : 8 p.
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20 €
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- Titre original : Fin design for fin-and-tube heat exchanger with microgroove small diameter tubes for air conditioner.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30008300
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 4th IIR Conference on Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigerants
- Date d'édition : 17/06/2013
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