Document IIF

Développement d'un système d'imagerie spectrale de micro-tranches pour la modélisation structurelle des biomatériaux en 3 dimensions.

Development of a cryogenic micro-slicer spectral imaging system for 3-D structure modelling of biomaterials.

Auteurs : SUGIYAMA T., DO G. S., ARAKI T., et al.


A cryogenic micro-slicer spectral imaging system has been developed to analyse the morphological characteristics of biological materials frozen in cryogenic treatment using near-infrared spectroscopic as well as reconstructed 3-D images. Structural parameters of ice crystals formed in raw beef and diluted agar solutions (1 %wt.) were measured at temperatures of -15 and -120°C. Frozen samples were sliced with a thickness of 1.0 µm to capture an exposed cross-section by near-infrared imaging at the wavelength of 1025 nm. The results indicated that spectroscopic images of ice crystals were successfully visualized, as distinct from those of other constituents.

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Pages : 2006-3


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  • Titre original : Development of a cryogenic micro-slicer spectral imaging system for 3-D structure modelling of biomaterials.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2007-2321
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Multiconference CryoPrague 2006 (9th Cryogenics 2006, ICEC 21, ICMC'06)
  • Date d'édition : 17/07/2006


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