Développement de preuve du concept d'une pompe magnétique superfluide 4He à basse température.
Development of a proof of concept low temperature 4He Superfluid Magnetic Pump.
Auteurs : JAHROMI A. E., MILLER F. K.
Type d'article : Article
We describe the development and experimental results of a proof of concept Superfluid Magnetic Pump in this work. This novel low temperature, no moving part pump can replace the existing bellows-piston driven 4He or 3He-4He mixture compressor/circulators used in various sub Kelvin refrigeration systems such as dilution, Superfluid pulse tube, Stirling, or active magnetic regenerative refrigerators. Due to the superior thermal transport properties of sub-Lambda 4He this pump can also be used as a simple circulator to distribute cooling over large surface areas. Our pump was experimentally shown to produce a maximum flow rate of 440 mg/s (averaged over cycle), 665 mg/s (peak) and produced a maximum pressure difference of 2323 Pa using only the more common isotope of helium, 4He. This pump worked in an ‘‘ideal” thermodynamic state: The experimental results matched with the theoretical values predicted by a computer model. Pump curves were developed to map the performance of this pump. This successful demonstration will enable this novel pump to be implemented in suitable sub Kelvin refrigeration systems.
- Titre original : Development of a proof of concept low temperature 4He Superfluid Magnetic Pump.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30021251
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Cryogenics - vol. 82
- Date d'édition : 08/2016
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cryogenics.2016.08.008
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- Thèmes : Cryogénie: sécurité, instrumentation et métrologie
- Mots-clés : Magnétisme; Hélium superfluide; Experimentation; Cryopompe
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