Économie d'énergie : pompes à chaleur au NH3 pour production d'eau chaude à 90°C dans les installations laitières.
Energy saving. 90°C hot water NH3 heat pumps in dairy plants.
Numéro : pap. n. E212
Auteurs : BOONE J.
This paper focuses on the natural refrigerants which strongly contribute to the reduction of energy-consumption and significant reduction of the CO2 emissions. The different system applications are presented in the ‘NATURAL 5 LINE-UP’. The second part presents the use of natural refrigerants with high pressure compressors in an industrial plant. The plant belongs to an international Dairy Group installed in Denmark by the contractor Svedan Industri Koleanlaeg A.S. and was installed in 2013 for 3 mW hot water production at 90°C by applying high pressure NH3 compressors. The NH3 compressors are installed as second stage ammonia heat pumps on the water chillers producing approx. 2mW at 1.5°C using the heat rejection from the chillers as heat source for the hot water heat pump. The total heating performance coefficient is designed at 6,64. The paper evaluates the results of this plant after 8000 hours of operation and is supported with technical details and photos of the system including energy efficiency, investment and operating costs summary. By using this high stage hot water heat pump the energy cost for production of hot water was reduced to a quarter compared to a conventional gas boiler system.
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Pages : 3
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20 €
Prix membre*
15 €
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- Titre original : Energy saving. 90°C hot water NH3 heat pumps in dairy plants.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30015551
- Langues : Anglais
- Sujet : Environnement
- Source : Le ultime tecnologie del freddo e del condizionamento. Atti del 16° Convegno Europeo: June 12-13, 2015, Milano, Italia.
- Date d'édition : 12/06/2015
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