Document IIF

Effet magnétocalorique au sein de quelques composés similaires au Fe2P

Magnetocaloric effect in some Fe2P-like compounds.

Auteurs : BALLI M., FRUCHART D., HLIL E. K., et al.


In this paper the authors show that Fe2P-like compounds exhibit interesting levels of magnetocaloric effect (MCE). Crystal, magnetic and electronic structures are investigated. The large MCE in this compound which occurs close to 217 K is related to the magneto-elastic first order transition between ferro and paramagnetic states. Substitution of different metals such as M= Ru, Rh, Pd, Pt were operated to Fe at different rates in order to shift the maximum of MCE to room temperature. The largest effect occurs for Fe-Rh-P, the Curie temperature of which being 310 K. Besides, an important MCE was observed in Mn-Rh-As close to 160 K to be related to the first order transition between the antiferromagnetic and ferro states. In this latter compound, the transition temperature is affected by magnetic field change, it deceases when the magnetic field increases. Finally a recent discovery of a giant MCE in Fe2P-type compounds such as the Mn-Fe-P-As system has opened the interest to investigate more extensively this series of transition metal pnictides. However a very precise knowledge of the magnetic structures is needed since complicated transitions are systematically found as the main characteristics of the sensitive d-metal magnetism.

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Pages : 2005-4


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