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Estimation du potentiel du marché européen des pompes à chaleur industrielles

An estimation of the European industrial heat pump market potential


Type d'article : Article de périodique, Synthèse


This paper presents an estimation of the European (EU28) industrial heat pump market potential in terms of magnitude, sizing and number of units. This study is carried out in order to provide technology suppliers and manufacturers of industrial heat pumps perspectives for the technology. Potential heat pump applications in the food, paper, chemical and refining sectors are identified considering a maximum sink temperature of 200°C. This is achieved utilising a bottom-up methodology that uses detailed information from individual processes in the aforementioned sectors. Combining individual process data with typical plant capacities provides information on the heating capacities of heat pumps. The data is upscaled to European level, using production statistics relevant to the individual processes analysed. Since the database of processes is generic in nature and not fully covering the whole industrial sector, the results of this analysis provide a conservative estimate of the heat pump market potential. The results show a potential cumulative heating capacity of industrial heat pumps in EU28 of 23.0 GW, consisting of 4174 heat pump units which are able to cover 641 PJ/a of process heat demand. The largest number of heat pump units (%) can be found for heating capacities <10 MW, making up about 50% of the total market cumulative heating capacity. Clearly, there is a large market ahead for industrial heat pump manufacturers and suppliers.

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Pages : 14




  • Titre original : An estimation of the European industrial heat pump market potential
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30029036
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Chiffres, économie, Technologie
  • Source : Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews - vol. 139
  • Éditeurs : Elsevier
  • Date d'édition : 04/2021
  • DOI :


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