Document IIF

Évaluation d’un éjecteur pour le froid à ultra-basse température fonctionnant aux frigorigènes naturels.

Ejector evaluation for ultra-low temperature refrigeration using natural refrigerants.


Ultra-low temperature refrigeration is a requirement that has intensified in recent years after the appearance of vaccines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current technologies for this low-temperature range are few, with deficient performance and high global warming potential refrigerants. This paper tries to study the introduction of the ejector in cascade cycles for ultra-low temperature refrigeration and study its implementation in both stages and only in one, analyzing its behavior and results. The study is carried out with refrigerants R-290 in the high-temperature stage and R-170 in the low-temperature stage, since these are natural refrigerants with very low global warming potential. The results show that the ejector is a component that causes improvements of 21 % in the cycle both when placed in the high-temperature and low-temperature stages. Also, it emits less than half (-57.5 %) CO2 compared to actual ultra-low temperature cycles.

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Pages : 11 p.


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  • Titre original : Ejector evaluation for ultra-low temperature refrigeration using natural refrigerants.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30032568
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Alternatives aux HFC
  • Source : 8th IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: June 9-11 2024
  • Date d'édition : 11/06/2024
  • DOI :


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