Modélisation et expériences sur un système à air extérieur dédié utilisant des échangeurs de chaleur et de masse à déshydratant liquide.
Modeling and experiments on a dedicated outdoor air system using liquid desiccant heat and mass exchangers.
Numéro : 2110
Liquid desiccants can provide efficient dehumidification but have yet to see widespread adoption. Most systems studied previously use natural gas-combustion to heat and regenerate the desiccant, and a central chiller plant or cooling tower for removing the heat of absorption. Here we present modeling and experimental results on a novel packaged air conditioner integrating liquid-desiccant heat and mass exchangers with a vapor compression cycle. The packaged system does not need cold or hot water from a central plant or cooling tower and is suitable for rooftop unit air conditioners. The system uses the evaporator to cool the liquid desiccant that is absorbing moisture from the air, and the condenser to heat the liquid desiccant to regenerate it. Efficiency is improved by reducing the load on the evaporator for a given supply-air dewpoint. This paper presents the measured dehumidification efficiency for a 10-ton packaged air conditioner, focusing on dehumidifying ventilation air. The paper also presents a numerical model to predict the outlet conditions and dehumidification efficiency, which we compare with the measured data.
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Format PDF
Pages : 10 p.
- Titre original : Modeling and experiments on a dedicated outdoor air system using liquid desiccant heat and mass exchangers.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30030468
- Langues : Anglais
- Sujet : Technologie
- Source : 2022 Purdue Conferences. 19th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
- Date d'édition : 10/07/2022
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