Document IIF

Optimisation de la régulation de pression à partir du COP pour un système de refroidissement central dans les applications aéronautiques.

COP-optimised pressure control for a centralised CO2 cooling system in aircraft applications.


The existence of optimal pressures in transcritical refrigeration processes with varying ambient conditions can be used for process control to optimise the COP. Dominant factors are the gas cooler inlet temperature and the evaporator heat load. This is experimentally investigated on a direct evaporating CO2 cooling cycle test rig, designed for the verification of a centralised aircraft on-board cooling system, where optimal pressures calculated from process states are passed to an integrated pressure control. In addition to positive effects regarding the process efficiency, the dynamics of the system concerning compensation of changing boundary conditions is improved. The process control is structured into two principal closed loops, meaning the pressure and the temperature control. This enables flexible system layouts with multiple parallel cooling consumers that can be operated and controlled separately within the integrated cooling system.

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Pages : 2006-2


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  • Titre original : COP-optimised pressure control for a centralised CO2 cooling system in aircraft applications.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2007-1722
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 7th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids (GL2006). Proceedings
  • Date d'édition : 29/05/2006


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