Un modèle mathématique et un programme informatique pour le calcul de la puissance dans les chambres froides.

The mathematical model and computer program for capacity calculation of cold rooms.


The structure of heat gains for cold rooms is developed, which consists of the transmission loads (transfer of heat through the walls), cooling and respiration of food products, infiltration of outdoor air, electric lights, people presence and work of fan of air coolers. All heat gains are expressed with mathematical formulas so a mathematical model of the procedure is made for a complete calculation. The methodology for calculating is based on the literature published by ASHRAE. On this basis, a computer program is created whose use is simple and interactive. The program has a universal application because it can be used for all types of cold rooms. A concrete example is presented in the form of report from which you can see a lot of details of the methodology for calculating cooling capacity.

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  • Titre original : The mathematical model and computer program for capacity calculation of cold rooms.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2010-0165
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Zbornik radova. 40. Medunarodni kongres o grejanju, hladenju i klimatizaciji./ Proceedings. 40th International congress on HVAC&R.
  • Date d'édition : 02/12/2009


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