Document IIF

Compromis entre qualité et quantité pour la fabrication de glace transparente.

Quality and quantity trade-offs in clear ice making.

Auteurs : MELO F. S., CARDOSO R. P., HERMES C. J. L.

Type d'article : Article de la RIF


This paper is aimed at clear ice making. To this end, a purpose-built apparatus that controls the solidification rate was specially designed and constructed to assess the trade-offs between ice clearness (quality) and production rate (quantity). An image-based ice clearness evaluation technique was devised and adopted to compute a figure-of-merit for the ice quality. 30 ml ice cube samples were produced in a closed ice tray for either prescribed heat flux (650, 1300 and 1700 W m−2) or surface temperature (−4, −8 and −12 °C) at the bottom wall, while a 25 mm EPS insulation was adopted for top and lateral walls. The experiments were carried out using both tap and boiled water, whose initial amount of dissolved gas was monitored. The results pointed out the heat transfer and initial air concentration conditions that rule the quality and quantity trade-offs in clear ice making.

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Pages : 94-100


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  • Titre original : Quality and quantity trade-offs in clear ice making.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30032312
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Technologie
  • Source : International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 161
  • Date d'édition : 05/2024
  • DOI :


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