Document IIF

Congélation de fruits par immersion dans des coulis de glace à base de solutions aqueuses à sucre/éthanol : aspects thermophysiques et d'ingénierie.

Thermophysical and engineering issues of the immersion freezing of fruits in ice slurries based on sugar-ethanol aqueous solutions.

Auteurs : FIKIIN K., TSVETKOV O., LAPTEV Y., et al.


Ice slurries based on sugar-ethanol aqueous solutions reveal a great potential as excellent refrigerating media when producing delicious dessert-type frozen fruits. Such immersion media provide high heat transfer rate and short freezing times, inhibit fruit enzymes and easily take up food additives (antioxidants, flavourings, aromas and micronutrients), which results in a better quality and extended shelf-life of the end products. Appropriate compositions of sugar-ethanol slurry are formulated and predictive equations are established for their properties. Special attention is paid to an advanced cost-effective technology for individual quick freezing of fruits whose development needs collaboration of researchers and industrialists across Europe.

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Pages : 147-154


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  • Titre original : Thermophysical and engineering issues of the immersion freezing of fruits in ice slurries based on sugar-ethanol aqueous solutions.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2002-0758
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Proceedings of the third IIR Workshop on Ice Slurries.
  • Date d'édition : 16/05/2001


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