Développement d'un système de chauffage d'eau sanitaire commercial à pompe à chaleur utilisant le dioxyde de carbone comme frigorigène.

Development of a commercial heat pump water heater using carbon dioxide as a refrigerant.

Numéro : pap. D1-009

Auteurs : YU P. Y., YANG C. C., NIAN S. H., et al.


A heat pump water heater (HPWH) with carbon dioxide as refrigerant has been developed based on an outline frame of a R22 HPWH commercial product. The tube-in-fin evaporator, tube-in-tube gascooler and internal heat exchanger have been redesigned with in-house software and experts consultations from SINTEF. Meanwhile, all components have been manufactured and supplied by local companies. The assembling, optimizing tuning and performance calibration of this prototype also have been executed in a certificated laboratory in ITRI. This design process has exploited the first CO2 HPWH commercialized prototype in Taiwan. According to JRA-4050 standard test conditions, this model presented outstanding performance. The measured heating COP is 3.58 in rated condition with 17°C water inlet temperature and 65°C water outlet temperature. At specified conditions of Taiwan domestic requirement which the water inlet and outlet temperatures are fixed at 25 and 55°C respectively, the measured COP of this developed system has reached 4.23.

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Pages : 7 p.


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  • Titre original : Development of a commercial heat pump water heater using carbon dioxide as a refrigerant.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30005390
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : ACRA2010. Asian conference on refrigeration and air conditioning: Tokyo, Japan, June 7-9, 2010.
  • Date d'édition : 07/06/2010


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