Développement d'une logique de régulation à pression élevée pour une pompe à chaleur au CO2 pour le chauffage de l'eau sanitaire.

Sviluppo di una logica di controllo della pressione superiore di ciclo per una pompa di calore a CO2 per acqua calda sanitaria./ Development of an high pressure control logic for a CO2 tap water heat pump.


This paper presents the development of the upper cycle pressure control system of a CO2 tap water heat pump. The system is designed to satisfy the domestic hot water requirement of a residential building located in the northern part of Italy. The heat pump works according to a single-stage transcritical cycle with internal heat exchanger. The basic design consists of a single-stage piston compressor, a co-axial gas cooler, an electronic expansion valve, a finned tube evaporator and a low pressure receiver. The heat pump is combined with a storage tank where stratification is preserved. The water mass flow rate is modulated by a PID controller so as to reach and maintain the outlet water temperature at the set-point value. The task of the control logic is to find out the couple of variables, water flow rate and gas cooler pressure, that result in the best COP, under the constraint of fixed water temperature at the gas cooler outlet. An experimental prototype was factory tested to verify its energy performance and to validate the high pressure control logic.

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Pages : 5 p.


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    20 €

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Format PDF

Pages : 5 p.


  • Prix public

    20 €

  • Prix membre*

    15 €

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  • Titre original : Sviluppo di una logica di controllo della pressione superiore di ciclo per una pompa di calore a CO2 per acqua calda sanitaria./ Development of an high pressure control logic for a CO2 tap water heat pump.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2010-0244
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Latest technologies in refrigeration and air conditioning: energy issues and climate change, new refrigerants, new European regulations, new plants, the cold chain. XIII European Conference: June 12-13, 2009, Milan.
  • Date d'édition : 12/06/2009


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