Document IIF
Ecoulement adiabatique à l'intérieur un tube capillaire dans une pompe à chaleur transcritique au dioxyde de carbone.
Adiabatic capillary tube flow in a transcritical carbon dioxide heat pump.
An adiabatic homogeneous model has been developed to investigate the flow characteristics in the capillary tube of a transcritical carbon dioxide heat pump system. Mass, energy and momentum conservation equations are solved simultaneously using finite difference technique. The supercritical single phase fluid flow and subcritical two phase flow are considered separately. Three friction factor correlations (Churchill, Lin, and Freidel) and four viscosity models (Mcadams, Cicchitti, Duckler and Lin) are tested for comparative suitability. The extreme choked condition at the outlet is also investigated for maximum mass flow rate. Sub-critical and supercritical thermodynamic and transport properties of CO2 are calculated employing a precision property code. Numerical results show pressure gradient to be considerably high for CO2 than the traditional refrigerants, yielding a shorter capillary tube length. Choice of viscosity model leads to insignificant variation in results unlike that in CFC refrigerants.
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Pages : 2006-2
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- Titre original : Adiabatic capillary tube flow in a transcritical carbon dioxide heat pump.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2008-0160
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 7th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids (GL2006). Proceedings
- Date d'édition : 29/05/2006
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