Document IIF
Évaluation des méthodes de refroidissement rapide des carcasses de boeufs : approche par mécanique des fluides numérique.
Assessment of fast chilling methods for beef carcass cooling: CFD approach.
Numéro : pap. S13-P3
Auteurs : KUFFI K., DEFRAEYE T., LESCOUHIER S., et al.
The convection cooling method using employed in meat industry today is a slow process. Owing to their large size and limited thermal conductivity, beef carcasses after slaughter can only be cooled slowly, with an increased risk for color changes in the deep muscles due to the high temperature and low pH during the initial stage of convectional chilling process. In this work, different fast cooling methods were investigated by varying the cooling air properties and by using high thermal conductivity inserts. The assessment was done using CFD and the results were compared with measurements conducted in an industrial beef carcass chiller. The results showed that high thermal conductivity inserts considerable improved the cooling rate of the carcasses. The use of a lower cooling air temperature improved the cooling rate to a lesser extent.
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Pages : 8 p.
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- Titre original : Assessment of fast chilling methods for beef carcass cooling: CFD approach.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30007392
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 2nd IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: Paris, France, April 2-4, 2013.
- Date d'édition : 02/04/2013
Voir d'autres communications du même compte rendu (79)
Voir le compte rendu de la conférence
Thèmes :
Réfrigération des aliments;
Viande et produits carnés - Mots-clés : CFD; Viande; Réfrigeration rapide; Boeuf; Simulation; Experimentation
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