Expérience sur un nouveau cycle de dégivrage pour les pompes à chaleur à source air.

[In Chinese. / En chinois.]

Auteurs : FU W., GUO X., TAO X.

Type d'article : Article


On the basis of the hot gas bypass defrost cycle, a new defrost method for air-source heat pumps was proposed. In the present defrost cycle, the outdoor heat exchanger is divided into two parts connected by a capillary tube. The front part and the rear part of the heat exchanger are used as an evaporator and a condenser respectively during the defrost process, and the defrost is completed by a four-way valve. The defrost performance of the new cycle was investigated experimentally and compared with that of a reverse-cycle defrost system. The experimental results indicate that the energy was used more efficiently, and thus the defrost time and the defrost loss of the new cycle were less than those of the reverse-cycle defrost system. Moreover, heat was not extracted from the indoor space during the defrost process. The switch time of the four-way valve in the new defrost system was the same to that of the reverse-cycle defrost system, and the fluctuation of the discharge and suction pressures during the defrost process was much less than that in the reverse-cycle defrost cycle.

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Pages : pp. 16-21


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