Document IIF

Influence de la rugosité de la surface sur le surfusion pendant la congélation d'un mélange éthanol/eau.

Influence of surface roughness on the supercooling during freezing of a water/ethanol mixture.

Auteurs : FAUCHEUX M., MULLER G., HAVET M., et al.


This paper presents a preliminary study on the impact of the roughness of a metallic surface on the magnitude of the supercooling during freezing of an aqueous solution. An aqueous solution of ethanol (5% w/w) has been used as a model solution. Five tubes of aluminium (internal diameter 8 mm) have been machined to obtain a roughness between 0.63 and 13.3 µm. These tubes were immersed in a refrigerated bath with a programmable temperature scan. Thermocouples located at the inner surface of the tubes and in the solution were used to measure the magnitude of supercooling, which was between 4.18 and 8.48°C in the authors' conditions, the larger supercooling being observed for the lower level of roughness.

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  • Titre original : Influence of surface roughness on the supercooling during freezing of a water/ethanol mixture.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2006-2936
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Proceedings of the sixth Workshop on Ice Slurries of the IIR/Proceedings of the Second Conference on Phase Change Material and Slurry (PCM 2005).
  • Date d'édition : 15/06/2005


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