Document IIF

Les pompes à chaleur au R744 équipées d’éjecteurs : projets, objectifs et résultats.

R744 heat pumps with ejectors: projects, objectives and results.


How should heat pumps with ejectors be seen in the context of discussions about reducing global CO2 emissions, the energy transition, energy supply and grid stability? It is obvious that space heating and water heating are responsible for a large proportion of global CO2 emissions. A gradual conversion of the energy supply to renewable energies will ensure that the proportion of CO2 emissions from heat pumps will continue to fall in the future. Heat pumps are therefore a crucial building block for a sustainable heat supply. This paper deals with current BITZER projects in the field of R744 heat pumps with ejectors in the output range from 40 kW to several megawatts.
Projects, objectives and some results are presented.

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Pages : 9 p.


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    20 €

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  • Titre original : R744 heat pumps with ejectors: projects, objectives and results.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30033388
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Chiffres, économie
  • Source : 11th IIR Conference on Compressors and Refrigerants.
  • Date d'édition : 09/2024


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