Systèmes de conditionnement d’air adaptés à des températures ambiantes élevées. Comparaisons des fluides alternatifs.
A/C in high ambient temperatures. Comparisons of alternative fluids.
Numéro : pap. F21
Auteurs : LARMINAT P. de, WANG L.
In Direct Expansion systems for Air Conditioning, R-22 is still almost exclusively used in Hot Climates, while R-410A is the reference in more temperate climates. In the search for environment friendly solutions with high energy efficiency, most of the alternatives proposed are zeortropic blends, and many are flammable. A difficulty of using blends with glide is their high sensitivity to the arrangement of heat exchangers (parallel, counter or cross-flow). This is addressed through a method of “constant LMTD analysis”: the results for each fluid are calculated in the best case configuration (counter-flow on evaporator and condenser), and in the worst case (parallel on both sides). Real systems should be in between, hopefully closer to the optimum. The results are presented as curves of COP versus volumetric capacity for various fluids, where each blend is represented by a segment between the two extremes. Several test programs were undertaken to evaluate alternative fluids. Lots of data are available, but are difficult to compare. Some programs are focusing separately on alternatives to either R-22 or 410A. Others cover a wider range of fluids, but the detailed test data are not available. The Constant LMDT method is used to make cross-comparisons between these studies. The study simulates units similar to a base line unit at different operating conditions, using various fluids. Comparisons between R-22, R-410A and their alternatives are presented. Within each group, corrections are made on the COP to simulate units of equal capacity. Cross comparisons between both groups of fluids are also presented.
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- Titre original : A/C in high ambient temperatures. Comparisons of alternative fluids.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 30022113
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : 8th international conference on compressors and refrigeration, 2017.
- Date d'édition : 20/07/2017
Voir d'autres communications du même compte rendu (97)
Voir le compte rendu de la conférence
Thèmes :
Conditionnement d'air pour le confort;
Mélanges - Mots-clés : R410A; Comparaison; R290; R22; Mélange zéotropique; COP; Conditionnement d'air; Climat chaud
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