Document IIF

Un modèle thermique homogène pour prévoir l'effet du transfert de chaleur sur la distribution de la taille des cristaux de glace dans un coulis de glace.

A homogeneous thermal model for predicting the effect of heat transfer on the ice crystal size distribution in an ice slurry.



A homogeneous thermal model has been developed to predict the effects of heat transfer on the size distribution of ice crystals in an ice slurry under stagnant conditions. The model extends the isothermal model recently proposed by Pronk et al. (2005). The model predictions were compared with well-controlled experiments for both heating and adiabatic cases. Measurements of ice crystal size distributions were obtained using direct video observation of the ice slurry behaviour in a stagnant flow cell. For the heating cases, the time to melt all the crystals was sufficiently short such that the effects of Ostwald ripening on the size distribution could be neglected. The model predictions and experimental results for a 9%-wt ethanol solution with an initial ice fraction of 6% agreed to within 25%, suggesting that the buoyancy-induced stratification of the ice slurry mixture should be taken into consideration to properly model the actual physical phenomena.

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Pages : 2006-4


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  • Titre original : A homogeneous thermal model for predicting the effect of heat transfer on the ice crystal size distribution in an ice slurry.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2007-0215
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 7th Conference on Phase-Change Materials and Slurries
  • Date d'édition : 13/09/2006


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