Document IIF

Valorisation de l'énergie froide dans la chaîne de production de GNL.

Cold energy valorisation in the LNG supply chain.

Auteurs : MARCHAL N.


In the re-gasification process, the LNG (liquefied natural gas) is pumped and heated before entering the gas distribution network. As the LNG temperature is -162°C in the tanks, it is theoretically possible to recover up to 120 kWh per ton thanks to thermodynamic cycles operating between the LNG temperature and a hot source which can be sea water or ambient air. A new concept of compact, high-speed turbomachinery called moto-turbo-pump (MTP) is proposed to replace conventional high pressure pumps and turbo-expander in the energy recovery cycles. The MTP combines cryogenic space turbo-pumps and high speed electrical motor technologies in a pump/turbine/generator single shaft arrangement, supported by non contact bearings. This concept enables simple, high-performance solutions, as well as safe and reliable operation leading to minimised maintenance. The power produced with these energy recovery systems does not need any fuel combustion and produces zero emissions. Moreover, the performances are drastically increased using wasted heated water from a local power plant as hot source, and there is a strong synergy between the LNG re-gasification process and local power production from economical and environmental point of view.

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Pages : 2006-3


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  • Titre original : Cold energy valorisation in the LNG supply chain.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2007-1854
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Multiconference CryoPrague 2006 (9th Cryogenics 2006, ICEC 21, ICMC'06)
  • Date d'édition : 17/07/2006


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