Résultats de recherche

  • Out of the ordinary: tasting robot

    A state-of-the-art tasting robot may transform quality and safety checks. Papero, a 60-com robot developed by NEC, is fitted with infrared spectroscopic technology and a processor and software. It can identify foods, list their ingredients and...

    • Date de publication : 15/11/2006
  • Produire de l'ammoniac en consommant moins d'énergie (en anglais)

    Des scientifiques de l'Institut de technologie de Tokyo ont mis au point un catalyseur amélioré facilitant la synthèse de l'ammoniac à seulement 50°C (alors que les techniques classiques nécessitent des...

    • Date de publication : 06/07/2020
    • Sujets : Alternatives aux HFC
  • Cryogenic applications: Cooling largest outer-space telescope

    In his presentation on cryogenics applications at the IIR-AFF centenary conference in Paris (see Focus), Philippe Lebrun, President of the IIR's Section A, mentioned cryogenic detectors of cosmic signals and cited Herschel probe as an example. The...

    • Date de publication : 12/08/2008