Document IIF

Analyse et comparaison entre les différentes performances de consommation énergétique d'un système au CO2 transcritique à surpression avec éjecteurs modulaires et une compression parallèle dans diverses configurations et conditions climatiques.

Analysis and comparison between different energy consumption performances of a CO2 trans-critical booster system with Modulating Ejectors and parallel compression in various configurations and different climate conditions.

Numéro : 1060



In this paper, the performance of a real CO2 trans-critical booster refrigeration system equipped with modulating ejectors and parallel compression has been analyzed. The system can operate in three different configurations: standard booster, Modulating Ejector (EMJ) and parallel compression. Energy consumption and efficiency of the three configurations have been compared in three different climate conditions: Madrid, Athens and Riyadh. For each city, experimental tests have been carried out considering a set of twelve representative temperature profiles, one for each month, and a varying thermal load. The annual energy consumption has been estimated basing on measured data. Results show that the annual energy saving ranges from 10% to 12% considering EMJ over standard booster, with peaks of 20%. Parallel compression compared with standard booster reaches an annual energy saving between 2% and 3% with peak

Documents disponibles

Analysis and comparison between different energy consumption performances of a CO2 trans-critical booster system with Modulating Ejectors and parallel compression in various configurations and different climate conditions

Pages : 6


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    20 €

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  • Titre original : Analysis and comparison between different energy consumption performances of a CO2 trans-critical booster system with Modulating Ejectors and parallel compression in various configurations and different climate conditions.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30027996
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Technologie
  • Source : 14th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants (GL2020). Proceedings. Kyoto, Japon, December 7-9th 2020.
  • Date d'édition : 07/12/2020
  • DOI :


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