Conception urbaine et vision énergétique dans les grandes villes à faible consommation de carbone.

Urban form and energy vision in low carbon cities.

Auteurs : LONG W., BAI W., LIANG H., et al.


The paper proposes that the per capita carbon emissions, per unit domain area carbon emissions, per unit GDP carbon emissions and local human development index can be used as four indicators for the evaluation index of China's low-carbon city. In a particular economic structure, energy structure, the level of urbanization and resource conditions, the experience of foreign construction and demonstration of low-carbon cities are not fully suited to China's situation. China must find her own roadmap of low-carbon city development. The main features of urban form in China's low-carbon cities are "compact city", namely 3 "H" City (high density, high plot ratio and high-rise). The targets of low-carbon city's energy plan are to achieve 3 "D", namely decarburization, decentralization and demand reduction. The 3 "D" should be achieved in urban, community and end-user 3 levels respectively. The energy efficiency of end-users is seen as a virtual carbon-free energy sources. This paper briefly describes both of "energy bus" and "energy internet" systems that are two kinds of urban energy systems with good development prospects in the low-carbon cities.

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  • Titre original : Urban form and energy vision in low carbon cities.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2011-0367
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Environnement, Généralités
  • Source : IIR/Eurotherm sustainable refrigeration and heat pump technology conference. Proceedings of the Eurotherm Seminar No. 88, Stockholm, Sweden, June 13-16, 2010.
  • Date d'édition : 13/06/2010


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