Document IIF

Conditionnement d'air et supermarchés.

Air conditioning and supermarkets.



In supermarkets, refrigeration for food conservation and presentation is one of the basic technologies. However, experts must not look solely at refrigeration, they have to treat a supermarket as a system, and therefore have to consider air conditioning also. They also have to consider the energy efficiency of the entire system. The need for air conditioning depends not only on the climatic conditions, but also on the size of the building (length, width and height) and the utilization of the building, i.e. the internal gains occurring through operation; an additional point is architecture: glass is modern, and solar gains can become solar loads very fast, which have to be removed by a powerful air-conditioning system. The topic resulting from refrigeration and air conditioning is the energy supply system. Most commonly, electricity is used as an energy source, however, in such buildings electricity generation can be integrated using CHP systems, which can be extended to tri-generation systems covering electricity production as well as the production of heat and cold. During the last decade some interesting systems have been developed that are suitable for such applications.

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  • Titre original : Air conditioning and supermarkets.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2006-0807
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Généralités
  • Source : Commercial Refrigeration. Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigerants. Proceedings of the IIR International Conferences.
  • Date d'édition : 30/08/2005


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