Influence de l'humidité relative intérieure sur les performances des meubles de vente frigorifiques.

Effects of indoor relative humidity on refrigerated display case performance.


Refrigerated display cases are normally rated at a store environment of 24 deg C and a relative humidity of 55%. If the store can be maintained at lower relative humidities, significant quantities of compressor energy, defrost energy and anti-condensation heater energy can be saved. In this study a model was developed for a 4650 m2 (50,000 ft2) food store with a typical mix and quantity of refrigerated display cases. Moisture balances were done for a typical day in a typical store for each month of the year yielding a twenty-four hour variation in the store relative humidity. The total store energy bill (display cases, air-conditioning and lights) would be reduced by 4.7 for 5% lowering change in relative humidity. These are significant cost savings for a supermarket.


  • Titre original : Effects of indoor relative humidity on refrigerated display case performance.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 1999-3733
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : CLIMA 2000, Brussels 1997, August 30 to September 2, Congress Palace.
  • Date d'édition : 08/1997
  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.


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