Listeria monocytogenes bactéries. I. Occurrences et sources de contamination des aliments.
Bakterie Listeria monocytogenes. I. Wystepowanie i zródla zanieczyszczen zywnosci.
Auteurs : SIP A.
Type d'article : Article, Synthèse
L. monocytogenes is one of the most dangerous foodborne pathogens. In the paper, the consequences of its occurrence in food were described. The sources of food contamination with L. monocytogenes were detailed. It was indicated that contamination of the final products with Listeria occurred mainly in the processing environment.
- Titre original : Bakterie Listeria monocytogenes. I. Wystepowanie i zródla zanieczyszczen zywnosci.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2011-0242
- Langues : Polonais
- Sujet : Réglementation
- Source : Przemysl Spozywczy - vol. 64 - n. 9
- Date d'édition : 09/2010
- Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.
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