Document IIF

Modélisation du transfert de chaleur à travers des emballages en carton ondulé.

Modelling of heat transfer through corrugated cardboard packaging.


A finite element model of heat transfer through corrugated cardboard packaging is presented. The model defines the flute geometry in two dimensions as well as the thermal properties of the component liner and medium paper boards. The model was validated against overall thermal resistance data for a range of corrugated fibreboard samples. It was found that the bulk of the heat flow occurs through the medium paper in the flute region.

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Pages : 2006-1


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  • Titre original : Modelling of heat transfer through corrugated cardboard packaging.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2007-0873
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Innovative Equipment and Systems for Comfort and Food Preservation.
  • Date d'édition : 16/02/2006


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