Travaux de l'ASHRAE. Réunion annuelle 2003, Kansas City, Missouri, Etats-Unis. Volume 109, 2e partie + CD-ROM.

ASHRAE Transactions. 2003 annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Volume 109, part 2 + CD-ROM.

Date : 1900.01.01


This collection of 86 papers presented at the ASHRAE 2003 Annual Meeting includes the complete collection of symposium and technical papers as well as discussion questions and answers for every paper. Included are technical papers, which are of permanent interest and of archival value. They are peer reviewed and considered of journal quality. Papers presented in symposia covering topical applications of HVAC&R technology are also included. Extract of topics: advances and issues in residential thermal distribution efficiency; inverse methods for calculating energy savings from energy conservation retrofits; data centre and telecommunication room cooling of high density heat loads; developments in combustion turbine inlet air cooling; energy efficiency opportunities in supermarket display cases; indoor air quality and mould; hybrid and waste-heat driven desiccant systems; test methods and classification of refrigerant flammability; refrigerants and heat pumps; radiant cooling/heating; applications and components of life-cycle costing; emerging technologies in the refrigeration industry; advances in secondary coolants; developments in radiant cooling; developments in thermal energy storage; integrated clean room design and construction; basic refrigerated warehouse design; future developments in absorption; geothermal heat pump projects.


  • Titre original : ASHRAE Transactions. 2003 annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Volume 109, part 2 + CD-ROM.
  • Organisateur : ASHRAE
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2004-1512
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Nombre de communications : 26
  • Édition : Ashrae (american society of heating, refrigerating and air-conditioning engineers) - États-unis/États-unis
  • ISSN : 00012505
  • Source : Source : vol. 109; n. 2; 1032 p. (22 x 28.6); fig.; tabl.; ref.; index; USD 211 (CD-ROM: USD 147).
  • Type de conférence : Autre conférence (non IIF)
  • Notes :

    ASHRAE Trans./ASHRAE, Annu. Meet., Kansas City, MO

  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.


Voir les communications (26)