Analyses des anomalies décelées lors d'audits des entreprises de la chaîne agro-alimentaire.

Le anomalie nel processo di audit applicato al settore agro-alimentare: un' analisi per filiera e per norma.


Type d'article : Article


The conformity to the main quality standards must be periodically checked through audits during which several types of anomalies can emerge. The aim of this work was to analyze the anomalies detected during 26 audits carried out in different food companies (producing wine, dairy products, canned food, as well as catering companies). The standards of reference were UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, UNI EN ISO 22000:2005, UNI EN ISO 22005:2008, British Retail Consortium (BRC) and International Food Standards (IFS). A total of 227 anomalies were detected. The most frequent anomalies were related to documentation, with the exception of catering sector, where the most frequent anomalies were related to the practical activities of the production process. This was probably due to the high complexity of this type of company, which has a considerably higher offer in respect to the other food companies audited.

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Pages : 21-29, 35


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  • Titre original : Le anomalie nel processo di audit applicato al settore agro-alimentare: un' analisi per filiera e per norma.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30005545
  • Langues : Italien
  • Source : Industrie alimentari - vol. 50 - n. 519
  • Date d'édition : 12/2011


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