Effet de la température lors de la production de Botrytis allii conidia sur la pathogénicité de ces micro-organismes vis-à-vis des bulbes d'oignon blancs après leur récolte.

Effect of temperature of production of Botrytis allii conidia on their pathogenicity to harvested white onion bulbs.

Auteurs : BERTOLINI P., TIAN S. P.

Type d'article : Article


B. allii colonies incubated at low temperatures have been reported to produce larger conidia that germinate faster and give rise to longer germ-tubes than those grown at room temperatures. The effect was compared of conidia produced at 20 and at 0 and -2 deg C on their pathogenicity to artificially inoculated white onion bulbs, and the effect of conidial concentration on disease incidence, lesion area, incubation and latent period during storage at 20, 5 and 0 deg C. The incubation period was not significantly affected by conidial concentration at 20 deg C and only slightly at 5 and 0 deg C, but at low temperatures, the latent period was longer because of the delay induced in sporulation. The data were consistent with the packers' opinion that cross infection of spring onions by long-term refrigerated onions in grading lines caused earlier and heavier rotting.


  • Titre original : Effect of temperature of production of Botrytis allii conidia on their pathogenicity to harvested white onion bulbs.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 1999-1716
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Date d'édition : 1997
  • Source : Source : Plant Pathol.
    vol. 46; n. 3; 432-438; 25 ref.
