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Les frigorigènes naturels stimulent le marché mondial du froid commercial en 2023
Selon le JARN, les frigorigènes naturels utilisés dans les équipements commerciaux gagnent en popularité, contribuant notamment à dynamiser la demande de renouvellement des...
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2 770 actualités
First car models using HFO-1234yf
During the recent Mobile Air Conditioning Society Worldwide convention and trade show in Las Vegas, USA, discussions focused on the vehicles will have the new HFO-1234yf refrigerant. It was revealed that one vehicle was already being sold with the...
Australia’s solar cooling potential
Stephen White, Chair of ausSCIG, predicts that more and more innovative solutions will be developed in the solar cooling field in Australia.
As of 2019, the EU countries will be obliged to collect and recycle up to 85% of refrigerators and freezers
As of 2019, the EU countries will be obliged to collect and recycle up to 85% of refrigerators, freezers and other electrical and electronic equipment following the endorsement of the revised Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)...
Counterfeit refrigerants: DuPont introduces new anti-counterfeit label
DuPont will use the label as part of a new multi-faceted anti-counterfeiting initiative using many technologies
Integration of CO2 refrigeration and trigeneration systems for energy savings in supermarkets
An article* written by I. Suamir, S.A. Tassou and D. Marriott published in the International Journal of Refrigeration reports on experimental and theoretical investigations regarding the integration of CO2 refrigeration and trigeneration systems...
Abu Dhabi to get more air-conditioned bus shelters
Abu Dhabi’s Department of Transport (DoT) is to install additional air-conditioned bus shelters in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and the western region.
New heat pump life cycle performance assessment tool
The Air-conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Technology Institute (AHRTI) developed a tool to calculate Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP), using Microsoft Excel.
Phase-change materials and vacuum-insulation panels for emergency blood
London's Air Ambulance is now using phase-change technology to transport blood on board its aircraft and rapid-response cars.
NFRC: a new centre for natural refrigerants in Pakistan
In April 2012, the Natural Fluids Refrigeration Centre was inaugurated in Topi, Pakistan.
Reefer container production at its peak
Reefer container production increased greatly during 2011, beating their previous annual peak in 2008 by over 30%.
Honeywell CFC destruction plan
Honeywell has begun destroying its inventories of CFCs and CFC blends: the company says it has already destroyed over 12 000 kg of R11.
REHVA: un nouveau secrétaire général
Pendant la dernière Assemblée générale de la REHVA tenue le 18 avril 2012 à Timisoara (Roumanie), le professeur Olli Seppänen a annoncé qu'il ne briguerait pas un autre mandat en tant que secrétaire général. Jan Aufderheijde, le nouveau...
US likely to impose limits on LNG exports
Executives from two major oil firms said they believed the United States government was likely to impose limits on liquefied natural gas exports in order to maintain low domestic natural gas prices.
Prehistoric flower from the permafrost blooms again
A team of scientists has reportedly resurrected seeds of a 30 000-years-old variety of Silene stenophylla.
World demand for fluorocarbons to rise annually by 3.4% through 2016
According to a recent market report on fluorochemicals by Freedonia, global demand for fluorine containing chemicals is forecast to rise 3.9% per year to 3.5 million tonnes in 2016, valued at USD 19.7 million.
Two-stage indirect glycol and CO2 commercial system drastically cuts refrigerant use
An award-winning store, that reduces refrigerant use by 98%, and eliminates HFCs, was recently opened in Folsom, CA, USA.
La Commission Européenne adresse un avertissement à l'Italie et à Malte concernant les F-gaz
La Commission Européenne à averti l'Italie et la République de Malte qu'elles s'exposaient à des poursuites si elles persistaient à ne pas respecter le Règlement F-gaz sur les gaz fluorés.
Création d’un diplôme en management de la chaîne du froid
AgroParisTech, Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l'environnement, vient de créer, en partenariat avec Cemafroid, un Certificat d’Etudes Avancées, (formation de niveau post-master) s’adressant à des cadres ou ingénieurs, en «...
France: quelques données sur la consommation et les émissions de frigorigènes
Selon le rapport Inventaires des émissions de fluides frigorigènes – année 2010 récemment publié par Mines ParisTech/Armines/ERIE, à la demande de l’Agence Française de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie (ADEME), la demande totale de...
Quête du Boson de Higgs : la dernière ligne droite ?
En mars 2012, des physiciens du Tevatron, le collisionneur de particules du Fermilab situé près de Chicago ont fait savoir que des données recueillies pouvaient laisser entendre l’existence du boson de Higgs. De plus, les résultats coïncident avec...
Masdar City is testing high-vacuum flat solar thermal panels for air conditioning
Masdar City and TVP Solar have completed installation of a field of TVP Solar's MT-Power high-vacuum flat solar thermal panels for the solar cooling plant at Masdar City, UAE.
Updates on the Chinese cold chain
Currently, each year China produces over 56 million tons of meat, 8.5 million tons of frozen foods, and over 10 million tons of beverages, and 8 million tons of dairy products and 41.2 million tons of seafood.
A reviving global air-conditioning market
According to BSRIA figures, in 2011, the world air-conditioning market increased by 13% compared with 2010.
Le GUIDE 2012: Natural Refrigerants – North America’s Market Potential (gratuit) paraîtra en 2012
Suite à son sondage mondial de l'industrie sur les frigorigènes naturels effectué en 2011, shecco a lancé un nouveau sondage de l'industrie, cette fois-ci afin d'obtenir des données de l'industrie du chauffage, du conditionnement d'air et du froid...
Le département du transport (DoT) d'Abu Dhabi prévoit d'installer des bus supplémentaires équipés de conditionnement d'air à Abu Dhabi, El Ain et la région occidentale. (article en anglais)