Document IIF

Améliorations des procédés continus et des techniques de production grâce à l'utilisation du froid cryogénique.

Continuous process and production improvements by application of refrigeration with cryogenic gases.



The paper sets out to demonstrate how the application of cryogenic gases to production processes, can be used to produce novel or high quality chilled and frozen products. This will be demonstrated by three examples that have been recently developed and implemented: 1) Improved palletizing equipment for the production of uniform frozen pellets: the challenge was to produce frozen pellets of a uniform size range at commercial quantities and with a high efficiency. The paper details how a system was designed and engineered to meet these criteria using liquid nitrogen as the refrigerant. The resulting product has been a major success in the ice cream market and further applications are being found within the food and pharmaceutical sectors. 2) Continuous crust freezing system as part of an integrated slicing line: pressure for finely sliced meats with a very high presentation standard has placed an added demand on the production systems for hams and other cooked meats. The paper explores the principles for design and operation of a cryogenically refrigerated handling system, completely integrated into a continuous slicing line to improve quality and to reduce losses. 3) New trends in IQF freezing and coating of ready to cook meals: the IQF technology has moved towards new frozen products that are portionable and easy to reheat by means of pan or microwave ovens. The paper deals with various cryogenic equipments that have been designed and improved to meet IQF quality standards by ensuring high weight of sauce/ingredients coatings.

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Pages : 2001-1


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  • Titre original : Continuous process and production improvements by application of refrigeration with cryogenic gases.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2005-1261
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Rapid Cooling of Food.
  • Date d'édition : 28/03/2001


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